About Us
We at Prepareforbank.in website as the name suggests our main focus is to help bank job aspiring candidates. Prepare here for all bank exams be it IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO (Probationary Officer), IBPS SO (Specialist Officer), IBPS RRB (Regional Rural Bank), or SBI Junior Associate or SBI PO (Probationary Officer) Exams. We are committed to provide students cost-efficient solutions for practice and prepare through optimized content.
It has been observed that bank exams are being conducted throughout the year. An aspiring candidate can by an large appear for all examinations if fulfilling eligibility criteria and exam dates are not conflicting.
Exam Pattern
Banking exam patterns are near about same with varying complexity of questions asked. Selection exam consists of Prelims and Mains examinations which consist of computer-based objective questions for Reasoning, Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude, General / Banking / Financial / Computer / Specialization Awareness along with compulsory English Knowledge.
Every year with an increasing number of aspiring candidates for a banking job, selection for the limited number of jobs demands very dedicated preparation and practice to stay ahead in the competition. Our utmost understanding is candidate once ready with basic preparation should focus on the practice set and try to solve as much as he can and in a time-bound manner.
Why Prepareforbank?
A lot of websites and study portals are already putting their best efforts to help students in exam preparation. We at Prepareforbank.in put our best efforts to deliver concise study material and practice sets. We have put our best efforts to prepare and deliver optimized study material.
Learn Computer and Financial awareness study material which provides precise information that helps the student to study and to stay focused on what is required for the exam and not to get distracted with unlimited resources available on the Internet, which are helpful in the preparation of Masters. This distraction cost heavily to the students who lost focus when they need relevant and short information.