Computers Knowledge is gaining importance in the Bank Exams of IBPS or SBI and Computer Abbreviation is one of the key components. It’s very essential to know the basic Computer Abbreviations that are helpful in answering direct questions in exams.
Also learn about Computer Hardware, Operating Systems, and Computer Networks.
Table of Contents
What is Computer Abbreviations?
Computer Abbreviations is the short form of the commonly used terms of computer. Knowing these short from of Computers and their full form is very essential to understand them.
Below is the alphabet wise list of commonly used computer abbreviations:
A – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | ACID | Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability |
2 | ACK | Acknowledge |
3 | ACL | Access Control List |
4 | AGP | Advanced Graphics Port |
5 | AI | Artificial Intelligence |
6 | ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
7 | AMD | Advanced Micro Devices |
8 | API | Application Program Interface |
9 | ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
10 | ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network |
11 | ARQ | Automatic Repeat Request |
12 | ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
13 | ASP | Active Server Pages |
14 | ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
15 | AVI | Audio Video Interleave |
16 | AWS | Amazon Web Services |
B – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | BASIC | Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
2 | BCC | Blind Carbon Copy |
3 | BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
4 | BIPS | Billion Instruction Per Second |
5 | Blob | Binary large Object |
6 | BIU | Bus Interface Unit |
7 | BMP | Bitmap |
C – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | CAD | Computer-Aided Design |
2 | CAPTCHA | Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart |
3 | CC | Carbon Copy |
4 | CD | Compact Disk |
5 | CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
6 | CDN | Content Delivery Network |
7 | CD-R | Compact Disk – Recordable |
8 | CD-ROM | Compact Disk Read Only Memory |
9 | CD-RW | Compact Disk Rewritable |
10 | CGI | Common Gateway Interface |
11 | CGI-BIN | Common Gateway Interface – Binary (programming for Web forms) |
12 | CISC | Complex Instructions Set Computers |
13 | CLI | Command Line Interface |
14 | CLR | Common Language Runtime |
15 | COBOL | Common Business-Oriented Language |
16 | COM | Component Object Model |
17 | CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
18 | CPU | Central Processing Unit |
19 | CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
20 | CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
21 | CRUD | Create, Read, Update and Delete |
22 | CSMA/CD | Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection |
23 | CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
D – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | DAC | Digital-To-Analog Converter |
2 | DAP | Directory Access Protocol |
3 | DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
4 | DB | Database |
5 | DBA | Database Administrator |
6 | DBMS | Database Management System |
7 | DCOM | Distributed Component Object Model |
8 | DDL | Data Definition Language |
9 | DES | Data Encryption Standard |
10 | DFD | Data Flow Diagram |
11 | DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
12 | DHTML | Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language |
13 | DIVX | Digital Video Express |
14 | DLL | Dynamic Link Library |
15 | DMI | Direct Media Interface |
16 | DML | Data Manipulation Language |
17 | DNS | Domain Name System |
18 | DOM | Document Object Model |
19 | DOS | Disk Operating System |
20 | DPI | Dots Per Inch |
21 | DRAM | Dynamic Random-Access Memory |
22 | DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm |
23 | DSN | Database Source Name |
24 | DSP | Digital Signal Processor |
25 | DTD | Document Type Definition |
26 | DVD | Digital Versatile Disc |
27 | DVI | Digital Visual Interface |
28 | DVR | Digital Video Recorder |
E – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | EAI | Enterprise Application Integration |
2 | EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
3 | EEPROM | Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
4 | EFS | Encrypting File System |
5 | Electronic mail | |
6 | EOF | End of File |
7 | EOL | End of Line |
8 | EOM | End Of Message |
9 | ERM | Entity-Relationship Model |
10 | ESB | Enterprise service bus |
11 | ESI | Electronically Stored Information |
12 | ETL | Extract, Transform, Load |
13 | ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
14 | EXT | EXTended file system |
F – Computer Abbreviations
S. No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | FAT | File Allocation Table |
2 | FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
3 | FCB | File Control Block |
4 | FDD | Frequency-Division Duplexing / Floppy Disk Drive |
5 | FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
6 | FDM | Frequency-Division Multiplexing |
7 | FDMA | Frequency-Division Multiple Access |
8 | FIFO | First In First Out |
9 | FLOPS | FLoating-Point Operations Per Second |
10 | FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Name |
11 | FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
12 | FYI | For Your Information |
G – Computer Abbreviations
S. No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | Gb | Gigabit |
2 | GB | Gigabyte |
3 | GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
4 | GIS | Geographic Information System |
5 | GML | Geography Markup Language |
6 | GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
7 | GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
8 | GUI | Graphical User Interface |
9 | GUID | Globally Unique IDentifier |
H – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | HA | High Availability |
2 | HD | High Density |
3 | HDD | Hard Disk Drive |
4 | HDMI | High-Definition Multimedia Interface |
5 | HF | High Frequency |
6 | HFS | Hierarchical File System |
7 | HPFS | High-Performance File System |
8 | HSDPA | High-Speed Downlink Packet Access |
9 | HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
10 | HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
11 | HTTPS | HTTP Secure |
I – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | I18N | Internationalization |
2 | IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service |
3 | IBM | International Business Machines |
4 | IC | Integrated Circuit |
5 | ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
6 | ICP | Internet Cache Protocol |
7 | IDE | Integrated Development Environment |
8 | IE | Internet Explorer |
9 | IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
10 | IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
11 | IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
12 | IIOP | Internet Inter-Orb Protocol |
13 | IIS | Internet Information Services |
14 | IL | Intermediate Language |
15 | IM | Instant Messaging |
16 | IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
17 | IoT | Internet of Things |
18 | IP | Internet Protocol |
19 | IPC | Inter-Process Communication |
20 | IPP | Internet Printing Protocol |
21 | IPTv | Internet Protocol Television |
22 | IPv4 | Internet Protocol version 4 |
23 | IPv6 | Internet Protocol version 6 |
24 | ISCSI | Internet Small Computer System Interface |
25 | ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
26 | ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
27 | ISP | Internet Service Provider |
28 | ITIL | Information Technology Infrastructure Library |
29 | ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
J – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | J2EE | Java 2 Enterprise Edition |
2 | J2ME | Java 2 Micro Edition |
3 | J2SE | Java 2 Standard Edition |
4 | JAXB | Java Architecture for XML Binding |
5 | JAX-RPC | Java XML for Remote Procedure Calls |
6 | JAXP | Java API for XML Processing |
7 | JDBC | Java Database Connectivity |
8 | JDK | Java Development Kit |
9 | JFET | Junction Field-Effect Transistor |
10 | JIT | Just-In-Time |
11 | JNDI | Java Naming and Directory Interface |
12 | JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
13 | JRE | Java Runtime Environment |
14 | JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
15 | JSP | JavaServer Pages |
L – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | L10N | Localization |
2 | L2TP | Layer two Tunneling Protocol |
3 | LACP | Link Aggregation Control Protocol |
4 | LAN | Local Area Network |
5 | LB | Load Balancer |
6 | LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
7 | LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
8 | LIFO | Last In First Out |
9 | LOC | Lines of Code |
10 | LTE | Long Term Evolution |
M – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | MAC | Media Access Control |
2 | MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
3 | MAPI | Messaging Application Programming Interface |
4 | MBR | Master Boot Record |
5 | Mb / MB | Megabit / Megabyte |
6 | MDI | Multiple Document Interface |
7 | MF | Medium Frequency |
8 | MGCP | Media Gateway Control Protocol |
9 | MHz | Megahertz |
10 | MICR | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition |
11 | MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
12 | MIPS | Million Instructions Per Second |
13 | MOSFET | Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor |
14 | MOTD | Message Of The Day |
15 | MOV | Apple QuickTime Multimedia File |
16 | MPEG | Motion Pictures Experts Group |
17 | MSDN | Microsoft Developer Network |
18 | MTA | Mail Transfer Agent |
19 | MU | Memory Unit |
20 | MX | Mail exchange |
N – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbrreviations | Full-Form |
1 | NAC | Network Access Control |
2 | NACK | Negative ACKnowledgement |
3 | NaN | Not a Number |
4 | NAS | Network-Attached Storage |
5 | NAT | Network Address Translation |
6 | NCP | NetWare Core Protocol |
7 | NetBIOS | Network Basic Input/Output System |
8 | NFS | Network File System |
9 | NIC | Network Interface Controller |
10 | NNTP | Network News Transfer Protocol |
11 | NOS | Network Operating System |
12 | NSS | Network Security Services |
13 | NT | New Technology |
14 | NTFS | NT Filesystem |
15 | NTLM | NT Lan Manager |
16 | NTP | Network Time Protocol |
O – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviation | Full-Form |
1 | OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
2 | ODBC | Open Database Connectivity |
3 | OLAP | Online Analytical Processing |
4 | OLE | Object Linking and Embedding |
5 | OLED | Organic Light Emitting Diode |
6 | OLTP | Online Transaction Processing |
7 | OMR | Optical Mark Reader |
8 | OOP | Object-Oriented Programming |
9 | OPML | Outline Processor Markup Language |
10 | ORB | Object Request Broker |
11 | ORM | Object-Relational Mapping |
12 | OSI | Open Systems Interconnection |
P – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviation | Full-Form |
1 | P2P | Peer-To-Peer |
2 | PaaS | Platform as a Service |
3 | PAN | Personal Area Network |
4 | PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
5 | PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect |
6 | PCM | Pulse-Code Modulation |
7 | Portable Document Format | |
8 | PERL | Practical Extraction and Reporting Language |
9 | PHP | Hypertext Preprocessor |
10 | PKCS | Public Key Cryptography Standards |
11 | PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
12 | PNG | Portable Network Graphics |
13 | POP3 | Post Office Protocol v3 |
14 | PPI | Pixels Per Inch |
15 | PSU | Power Supply Unit |
16 | PV | Physical Volume |
17 | PVG | Physical Volume Group |
R – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | RAD | Rapid Application Development |
2 | RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks |
3 | RAM | Random Access Memory |
4 | RARP | Reverse Address Resolution Protocol |
5 | RDBMS | Relational Database Management System |
6 | RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol |
7 | REST | Representational State Transfer |
8 | RIA | Rich Internet Application |
9 | RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
10 | RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computer |
11 | RMI | Remote Method Invocation |
12 | ROM | Read-Only Memory |
13 | RPC | Remote Procedure Call |
14 | RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol |
15 | RTAI | Real-Time Application Interface |
16 | RTF | Rich Text Format |
17 | RTMP | Real-Time Messaging Protocol |
18 | RTP | Real-time Transport Protocol |
19 | RTSP | Real-Time Streaming Protocol |
20 | RWD | Responsive Web Design |
S – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | SaaS | Software as a Service |
2 | SAN | Storage Area Network |
3 | SAX | Simple API for XML |
4 | SCM | Source Code Management |
5 | SCSI | Small Computer System Interface |
6 | SCTP | Stream Control Transmission Protocol |
7 | SDDL | Security Descriptor Definition Language |
8 | SDI | Single Document Interface |
9 | SDK | Software Development Kit |
10 | SDN | Service Delivery Network |
11 | SDP | Session Description Protocol |
12 | SEO | Search Engine Optimization |
13 | SFTP | Simple File Transfer Protocol |
14 | SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language |
15 | SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm |
16 | SIM | Subscriber Identification Module |
17 | SIP | Session Initiation Protocol |
18 | SLIP | Serial Line Internet Protocol |
19 | SMS | Short Message Service |
20 | SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
21 | SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
22 | SNTP | Simple Network Time Protocol |
23 | SOA | Service-Oriented Architecture |
24 | SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
25 | SQL | Structured Query Language |
26 | SRAM | Static Random Access Memory |
27 | SSD | Solid-State Drive |
28 | SSDP | Simple Service Discovery Protocol |
29 | SSH | Secure Shell |
30 | SSTP | Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol |
31 | SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics |
32 | SVGA | Super Video Graphics Array |
T – Computer Abbreviations
S. No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | TB | TeraByte |
2 | TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
3 | TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
4 | TDMA | Time-Division Multiple Access |
5 | TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
6 | TIFF | Tagged Image File Format |
7 | TLD | Top-Level Domain |
8 | TNC | Terminal Node Controller |
U – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | UAC | User Account Control |
2 | UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
3 | UCS | Universal Character Set |
4 | UDDI | Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration |
5 | UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
6 | UHF | Ultra-High Frequency |
7 | UML | Unified Modeling Language |
8 | UNC | Universal Naming Convention |
9 | UNIVAC | Universal Automatic Computer |
10 | URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
11 | URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
12 | URN | Uniform Resource Name |
13 | USB | Universal Serial Bus |
14 | UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
15 | UUID | Universally Unique Identifier |
V – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviations | Full-Form |
1 | VCPI | Virtual Control Program Interface |
2 | VBA | Visual Basic for Applications |
3 | VDI | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure |
4 | VDU | Visual Display Unit |
5 | VFS | Virtual File System |
6 | VGA | Video Graphics Array |
7 | VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network |
8 | VoIP | Voice over Internet Protocol |
9 | VPN | Virtual Private Network |
10 | VPS | Virtual Private Server |
W – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviation | Full-Form |
1 | W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
2 | WAFS | Wide Area File Services |
3 | WAN | Wide Area Network |
4 | WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
5 | WCF | Windows Communication Foundation |
6 | WDM | Wavelength-Division Multiplexing |
7 | WINS | Windows Internet Name Service |
8 | WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
9 | WMA | Windows Media Audio |
10 | WMV | Windows Media Video |
11 | WPAD | Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol |
12 | WSDL | Web Services Description Language |
13 | WSFL | Web Services Flow Language |
14 | WWW | World Wide Web |
15 | WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get |
X – Computer Abbreviations
S.No. | Abbreviation | Full-Form |
1 | XAML | eXtensible Application Markup Language |
2 | XHTML | eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language |
3 | XSD | XML Schema Definition |
4 | XSL | eXtensible Stylesheet Language |
5 | XSLT | eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations |
6 | XSS | Cross-Site Scripting |
7 | XTF | eXtensible Tag Framework |
8 | XUL | XML User Interface Language |
9 | XVGA | Extended Video Graphics Adapter |