The Indian Bank released Indian Bank SO Notification Feb 2023. The Indian SO Notification Feb 2023 is being published for the recruitment of human resources for various posts and grades with different technical expertise in the Indian Bank.
Indian Bank is looking for qualified and experienced Technical Professionals to strengthen its Banking Infrastructure with the latest technology available in the market. This article contains all the necessary details about the Indian Bank SO Notification Feb 2023 recruitment such as the process, eligibility, and important dates.

Indian Bank SO Notification Feb 2023
The Indian Bank has released the notification for the recruitment of human resources for various posts and grades with different technical expertise in the Indian Bank. Candidates are requested to apply Online through the link given on Bank’s website!.
Detail of Post, No. of Vacancy, and Grade
Below are the details of the Post, No. of Vacancy, and Grade as per the Indian SO Notification Feb 2023:
S.No. | Post Name | Scale | Vacancy |
1 | Chief Manager (Marketing) | IV | 3 |
2 | Chief Manager (Forex Derivative Dealer) | IV | 2 |
3 | Chief Manager(Forex Dealer) | IV | 1 |
4 | Chief Manager (Non SLR Dealer) | IV | 1 |
5 | Chief Manager (SLR Dealer) | IV | 1 |
6 | Chief Manager (Information Security) | IV | 4 |
7 | Chief Manager (ESB & API) | IV | 2 |
8 | Chief Manager (Software Testing) | IV | 1 |
9 | Chief Manager (DevOps) | IV | 2 |
10 | Chief Manager (Network) | IV | 2 |
11 | Chief Manager (Virtualisation) | IV | 1 |
12 | Senior Manager (Forex/Forex Derivative) | III | 2 |
13 | Senior Manager(SLR/NSLR Dealer) | III | 2 |
14 | Senior Manager (Equity Dealer) | III | 1 |
15 | Senior Manager (Forex) | III | 6 |
16 | Senior Manager (HR) | III | 2 |
17 | Senior Manager (Information Security) | III | 7 |
18 | Senior Manager (Software Testing) | III | 1 |
19 | Senior Manager (API Developer) | III | 1 |
20 | Senior Manager (DevOps) | III | 1 |
21 | Senior Manager (Network) | III | 1 |
22 | Senior Manager (Cloud Solutions) | III | 1 |
23 | Senior Manager (System Administrator-Linux) | III | 1 |
24 | Manager (Marketing) | II | 10 |
25 | Manager (Dealer) | II | 10 |
26 | Manager (Forex) | II | 4 |
27 | Manager (HR) | II | 3 |
28 | Manager (Software Testing) | II | 1 |
29 | Manager (IT Security) | II | 1 |
30 | Manager (API Developer) | II | 1 |
31 | Manager (Network SDWAN Specialist) | II | 1 |
32 | Manager (Virtualisation) | II | 1 |
33 | Assistant Manager (IDO) | I | 50 |
Total | 130 |
Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the link available on the BOB website and pay the application fee using Internet Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card etc.
Last Date of Registration is 06-03-2023.
Candidates should fill out the application carefully. Once the application is filled in completely, the candidate should submit the same. The candidate should note down the registration number and password. Once the application is filled out completely, the candidate should submit the same and proceed with the online payment of the fee.
After registering online, the candidates are advised to take a printout of the system-generated online application forms.
Application Fees
Application fees and Intimation Charges (Non-refundable) are 850/- (Eight Hundred Fifty only) for General/EWS/OBC candidates and 175/- (One Hundred Seventy-Five only) fees/intimation charges for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates.
Application Fee once paid will NOT be refunded on any account NOR can it be adjusted for any other examination or selection in the future.
A quick glance at the remuneration is given below:
Scale I: 36000-1490/7-46430-1740/2-49910-1990/7-63840
Scale II: 48170-1740/1-49910-1990/10-69810
Scale III: 63840-1990/5-73790-2220/2-78230
Scale IV: 76010-2220/4-84890-2500/2-89890
Indian Bank SO Notification Feb 2023 – Selection Procedure
The selection process may comprise an online test, psychometric test, or any other test deemed suitable for further selection process followed by a Group Discussion and/or Interviews of candidates, qualifying in the online test.
However, if the number of eligible applications received is large/less, then Bank reserves the right to change the shortlisting criteria/interview process. Bank may, at its discretion, consider conducting Multiple Choice/Descriptive/ Psychometric Tests / Group discussions/Interviews or any other selection/shortlisting methodologies for different positions/scales.
Online Test Format
The tentative structure of the online examination will be as follows:
S.No. | Name of the Tests | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks |
1 | Professional Knowledge | 60 | 60 |
2 | English | 20 | 20 |
3 | General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry | 20 | 20 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
The above Sections / Tests except for the Test of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi. The total duration of the exam is of 120 minutes (2 Hours).
There will be a penalty for wrong answers in this section. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty to arrive at a corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is given by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
Total marks in the interview will be 100. Wherever the Test is held the weightage for Test and Interview will be 80:20. Wherever selection is by shortlisting of applications followed by interview the weightage will be 100 % of the Interview Score.
Detailed Notification
Click here to see the detailed notification from the Indian Bank for this advertisement.
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