Input Output reasoning is an important topic in the Reasoning Exam to be prepared for competitive exams be it for IBPS Clerk, PO, RRB, SO, SBI Clerk, or PO Exams. The number of questions and the complexity of questions vary from exam to exam every year.
Input Output reasoning is simple to understand but it can be made complex using multiple statements. Examples of Input Output Reasoning and Practice questions on Input Output Reasoning are also given in this article.
Nowadays, questions in exams are mixed with multiple concepts and it requires practice and deep understanding of basic concepts along with quickly identifying patterns.

Table of Contents
Input Output Reasoning
Input Output Reasoning questions can be solved by analyzing the input with transformation conditions or rules which will generate the desired output.
Transformation of the Input message into the desired output is based on given rules in the question. Alphanumeric Series, Coding, and Decoding article are very helpful in building basic understanding.
Input Output Reasoning questions can be classified into 3 types. Below are the three types of ways to solve them:
- Following some Order.
- Interchanging Order and Words or Letters
- Identify Steps.
Let’s understand each of these types one by one and also with the help of an example.
Following Order
In this type of question, Input message words are in some order and the desired output should be arranged in some order. This Order can be increasing or decreasing the order of alphabets or numbers.
Let’s understand this Order type, with the help of an example:
Example 1: Input message: “42 53 17 38 49 70” apply logic on this message such that we get numerical ascending order in output.
Solution 1: It’s clear from the question that we’ve to arrange the above numerical message in ascending order. Either we can follow a stepwise approach to solve or directly arrange them.
We’ll follow a direct arrangement as it’ll save our time and also the question is simple and doesn’t require a step-wise solution.
Output message will be: “17 38 42 49 53 70”
Example 2: Input message: “Learn from Prepare for Bank” apply logic on this message such that we get alphabetical ascending order in output.
Solution 2: It’s clear from the question that we’ve to arrange the above alphabetical message in ascending order. Either we can follow a stepwise approach to solve or directly arrange them.
We’ll follow a direct arrangement as it’ll save our time and also the question is simple and doesn’t require a step-wise solution.
An output message will be: “Bank for from Learn Prepare”
Interchanging Order
In this type of question, Input message words are in some order and the desired output should be interchanged by following some rules. This Rules can be based on Vowel or Consonant, Even or Odd Numbers, or the order of alphabets or numbers.
The meaning of the below words is helpful in understanding the question and requirement of rules for getting desired output.
- Successor: Next word
- Predecessor: Previous word
- Followed-by: Next Word
- Infront-of: Previous Word
- Next
- Previous
Let’s understand this Interchange type, with the help of an example:
Example 3: Input message: “A quick fox jumps over a lazy dog.” The rule to generate output for this input message is: If a Word starts with Vowel interchange with Next occurring Consonant word.
Solution 3: As per the question we need to interchange Vowel words with Consonant Words. Also, the Next occurring rule is very important to consider, as we’ve two consecutive Vowel starting words.
An output message will be: “Quick a fox jumps lazy dog over a”
Identify Steps
In this type of question, an Input message is given along with rules to follow in solving the question and getting the desired output. But this type of question doesn’t require final output it will ask to identify stepwise output.
Suppose 6 numeric series are given to arrange in ascending order and we need to arrange them stepwise, and the question will ask to identify numbers at step 3.
Let’s understand this with the help of the below example:
Example 4: Input message: “80 24 56 43 18 70” arrange this number series in ascending order step by step interchange of numbers is required. What will be the output after step 3?
Solution 4: As per the rule given in the question we need to arrange this series in ascending order and at every step, we’ve to interchange a number.
Step 1: 18 24 56 43 80 70
Step 2: 18 24 56 43 80 70 {Note: Second number is correct in series.}
Step 3: 18 24 43 56 80 70
Step 4: 18 24 43 56 80 70 {Note: Fourth number is correct in series.}
Step 5: 18 24 43 56 70 80
Hence from the above stepwise solution, we can clearly find out the number series in step 3.
Practice Questions on Input Output Reasoning
Below are the practice questions on Input Output Reasoning:
- Input message: “59 75 35 18 64 86 45” Arrange in Descending Order.
- Input message: “Regular practice will give you success” Arrange in Descending Order.
- Input message: “Regular practice will give you success” Arrange in Descending Order with respect to the count of letters in a word.
- Input message: “4865 4852 6749 3542 7951 1576”. In given numbers interchange unit digit with hundred digits and arrange them in increasing order.
- Input message: “Regular practice will give success” If a word ends with a vowel reverse the successor word.
Final Words
Practicing the above Input Output Reasoning practice questions is not the end of your practice, but it’s the start of a new journey to apply logic to Input Output Reasoning Questions with multiple approaches in a right and faster way.
For cracking competitive exams one must practice more and more Input and Output questions. At last, during the exam, if a solution for the Input Output Reasoning Questions cannot be found easily then mark that question to revisit and move ahead instead of wasting time and energy.