Aspiring candidates preparing for any of the upcoming competitive exams can find all about Reasoning Questions for Bank Exams. In this article, you’ll find Reasoning Questions for Bank Exams, related topics, tips, tricks, sample questions on reasoning, and practice questions on reasoning.
Reasoning Questions for Bank Exams are the basic parts to prepare for most of the entrance exams for public sectors in India. The aptitude test consists mainly of three sections:
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Reasoning Ability
- English

What is Reasoning?
Reasoning Questions for Bank Exams consist of concepts that require logical thinking and a reason for analysis to arrive at the correct solution. Most of the reasoning questions are designed on logical concepts and the rest options can be ruled out.
Reasoning Questions for Bank Exams can be classified into two types:
- Verbal Reasoning: These types of questions requires the ability to logically understand the concepts and solve them. These types of questions require a correct understanding of the question and finding correct answers out of a similar variant of incorrect options.
- Non-verbal Reasoning: These types of questions requires the ability to logically solve problems expressed in numbers/letters/figures. Non-verbal reasoning tests the ability to find common out of odds, deduction, or induction and logical sequencing of the information and apply them to solve problems.
Steps to Solve Reasoning Questions of Bank Exams
Below are some of the steps to solve Reasoning questions for Bank Exams:
- Understand the information given in question carefully.
- Create a chart/table for gathering the necessary information.
- Analyze critical logical information.
- Think of all the possible solutions in a given scenario.
- Compare the obtained answer with other options.
- Come to a correct logical conclusion to rule out other options.
For more information on detailed steps for solving the below types of Reasoning Questions for Bank Exams, you can check the linked pages.
List of Reasoning Topics
Below are the reasoning topics that candidates need to prepare for competitive exams:
- Alphanumeric Series
- Direction Test
- Blood Relation
- Classification
- Analogy
- Syllogism
- Order and Ranking
- Seating Arrangements
- Coding and Decoding
- Input and Output
- Statement and Assumptions
- Statement and Conclusion
4 Tricks for Reasoning Preparation
Following are the 4 tricks that will be useful for the candidates while preparing or solving reasoning questions:
Focus on the Solution
When attempting to solve questions on Syllogism, Input, and Output, Coding and Decoding, or any other topic question. The focus should always be on the solution.
First, try to check all the options given and then check which all are the best fit. Sometimes solutions are not easy for the given question and it’s also not necessary to solve till the end. Use the elimination method to find an answer quickly.
One answer is available through the elimination method, do cross-check to be sure before finally submitting it.
Simplify the Question
Questions on Order and Ranking, Seating Arrangement, Blood Relation, Syllogism, or any other topic. First, we need to simplify the question by processing the information out of the details in that question.
Many times it’s easier to prepare some diagram or table out of the details of the question. And finally, we can get an answer by that simplification, without revising the details in question again.
Practice Daily
Solving questions needs focus and concentration in mind. This needs to be practiced daily and solving questions daily on different topics and difficulty levels will give aces during exams.
Daily practice is very essential for any exam preparation along with revision. As perfectly said, “Practice makes a man perfect“.
Practice with Timer
Many times it’s seen that candidates perform well during practice tests and have great skills to ace the exams, but still, they fail to qualify. In most cases, it’s found that the pressure of time gets unbearable for the candidates.
It’s very essential for candidates to practice daily with a timer in front of them so that they can cope with the pressure of time in real exams. Make everyday practice tests as real as possible, to get success.
The key to success is to prepare and revise all the above topics well and understand the concept better by solving questions based on them. The more and increasing difficulty level questions a candidate solves, the more familiar they get with the concept and gain confidence.
To prepare well for all the above topics included in the reasoning ability section, candidates can visit each of the above reasoning topic pages and get topic-wise questions and solutions to practice the reasoning section.
We have combined a few examples questions from the different reasoning topics so that candidates can solve them to practice them. Few questions on combined topics will increase the difficulty level and they may help in exams too.